Project Description
Connect is a web application designed for non-profit organizations
that work with refugees and asylum seekers.
Connect allows organizations to share events with clients in a
secure, closed-loop system that helps the clients to have quick and
easy access to events of interest without the need for any social
media accounts.
Connect utilizes Django Rest Framework to deploy a PostgreSQL
database. React.JS provides the front-end framework.
Planning, Design, & Code
Connect Offers:
- Amazon Web Service (AWS) S3 file storage.
- AWS Translate automatically translates the event title and notes into the client's preferred language. Currently, Connect supports English, Spanish, French, and Swahili.
- Django Model Translation automatically creates fields to store the translated materials and adds endpoints for getting the translated materials.
- Django Email provides email integration.
- Simple and unified styling with Chakra UI
- Front-end built out with React.js